Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Art of Effective Communication at Work

This week's assignment request to view communication strategies utilizing three different modalities: email, voicemail and video messages. Reflect upon each modality and determine which form of communication best conveyed the true meaning and intent of the message.

1. Email
This form of communication is best when it is necessary to respect a recipients time. The recipient can choose when it is best for them to receive and respond to email. However, emails are less personal and effective when it comes to urgency. One may not attend to emails until the end of the day or later in the week. Emails tend to delay decision-making. Jane's email demonstrates some urgency, yet does not give a specific date or time that data needs to be collected. Therefore, I would place this email on the back burner until I am able to attend to my other tasks for the day. An effective email response should include the date and time to show urgency of the required material needed to stay on task. As noted by Stolovitch (2011) in your written form of communication, include a purpose stated in the beginning and implement a solution for your client or team members.

2. VoiceMail
This message was conveyed in a friendly tone while creating urgency. Yet the message did not give a date or time to meet a deadline. Jane's voice message was monotone and professional. This message was a quick conversation for getting the point across. Hopefully, a receptive phone message or email will respond to her request by the end of the day. Stolovitch (2011) notes effective communication includes clarification and understanding of the task given to the stakeholder and team. Additionally, make sure all details are documented and signed - always have documented evidence during a conversation. Hence, Jane left out the response time in her message and is unable to document this message sent to Mark. Though, a recording of this message can be documented through the company's phone system.

3. Face-to-Face Communication
This is the most effective form of communication for personal discussions in an organization. People are friendly, respectful, and attentive to the discussion when meeting face-to-face. You are able to read the person through facial and body expression in seeking understanding of the topic. In person and scheduled meetings work bests for discussions requiring consensus for a project. As noted by Stolovitch (2011) request a time frame from your team members. This is an area that Jane lacked in each modality. In this scenario, face-to-face appears to be an effective communication strategy for Jane. She is personal and sincere in requesting information from Mark.

Overall, this exercise revealed that different methods of communication are effective depending upon the urgency of the task. Additionally it depends on who is making the request and how urgent the memo is. In Stolovitch's (2011) video he demonstrates, "How does one know if they are communicating properly?" It is obvious that the Project Manager/Instructional Designer is required to make contact frequently (written/ oral communication), respond to a time-frame, remain business friendly, and use respectful language often.

Laureate Media (2010). The art of effective communication [Video podcast]. Retrieved March 16, 2011 from
Stolovitch.,H. (2011) “Project Management Concerns: Communication Strategies and Organizational Culture”
.[Video Podcast]. Retrieved March 16, 2011 from


  1. Hi Darlene.

    I enjoyed reading your approach to this assignment as you looked at this differently than I did. I felt the urgency of the message was clear in all forms of communication. I currently, have a role where my day is dictated by the emails that come in so, this means any that are urgent are responded to within 24 hours. I do not find that an email slows down decision making or that co-workers do not see email as they are constantly at their desks and see emails coming in. Clearly, this depends on the role a person has and what their companies many form of communication is.

  2. Darlene,
    You and I were similar in our interpretation of the different messages. I also felt as though the e-mail message wasn't as urgent and could be ignored, if necessary, but the face-to-face communication showed the sincerity of the deadline and made the request more urgent.
    The point you made that I didn't focus in on was the missing deadline. Everything we read this week about communication tells us that it's important to communicate deadlines to team members. This was definitely a mistake that the speaker made since it was obvious the deadline was close due to the fact that she was telling the recipient that the report needed to be turned in immediately. If she had included that detail in her message, then it would have been even more powerful, and would have improved the outcome of her request.
